Brain Stewardship: Our Brief Earthly Opportunity

Each snowflake is different, according to my third or fourth grade teacher. I believed -- and I marveled -- given the ample snow we experienced in our northern Wisconsin town. Later, as a worldly and knowledgeable sophomore, in either high school or college (doesn’t matter, sophomores know everything), I no longer believed. How could each tiny snowflake, among an infinite number, be different? Impossible! Since then I’ve encountered scientific books that convince me that my elementary teacher was correct. 

Snowflake, Snow, Christmas, Advent, Crystal, December

Your or my brain is that three-pound organ – maybe the universe’s most wondrous creation – between our ears. Each brain is a collection of cells, chemicals, water, and blood vessels. Our mind is what we do with our brain. It is embodies our memories, beliefs, hopes, aspirations, plans, and decisions.

Neuroscience tells us that our brains and minds are like snowflakes. For example, neuroscientist David Eagleman says “Brains are as unique as snowflakes…no one like you has ever existed or will even exist again.” Each brain and each mind is different and the combination has great potential.

Listen to other experts. The human brain is “the most impressive portable and wireless system,” according to neuropsychologist Paul Nussbaum. He also stated “There is perhaps no greater untapped resource in the universe than the human brain.” Neuroscientist Jill Taylor said “The focused human mind is the most powerful instrument in the universe.”

Why did each of us receive a unique and powerful brain-mind? I don’t know, but I believe that, because of our uniqueness, each of us has the potential to continuously develop our brain-mind gift and use it to make good things happen, build something useful, or lend a hand.

Hand, Rainbow, Light, Palm, Touch

Consider these thoughts:

            We are on earth for a purpose -- what might it be?

            If we spend some time thinking -- then maybe we’ll see.

            Only just human, with a rare spiritual experience?

            Or briefly human, with an eternal spiritual essence?

I believe that the last line says it all. We are eternal spiritual beings, very briefly involved in an earthly experience. During that short interval, let’s make wise use of our unique brain and mind to be a positive force. Act now and often -- before our grand opportunity, like a beautiful snow- flake, melts.


  • Interested in learning brain basics so that you and others can live and work smarter -- more helpful, productive, and creative? Then let’s partner on a “Neuroscience 101” presentation (face-to-face or webinar) or workshop. Contact me at or 219-242-1704.
  • Image sources: Pixabay (first and last) and Fotolia

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